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Petition – Stop the Killing in Syria

Posted on 17 March 2012 by Maria Rosa DOMINICI

The parents of this little boy from Homs have been killed by a rocket attack. He survived, but hundreds of other children in Syria have died or been seriously injured in the violence which continues. Even in the worst conflicts, children have rights and must be protected. With your help, Save the Children can increase pressure to stop the killing and give us access to those in need. March 15 marks a year of unrest in Syria. Children can’t suffer for another year. Watch our message from the field and take action today!

Please sign our petition calling on the UN Security Council to build on its statement demanding immediate and full humanitarian access and pass a resolution requiring an end to the killing in Syria.

This little boy pictured here has just lost his parents in a rocket attack. He survived, but will live without the protection of his parents. And he’s not alone. Hundreds of children in Syria are killed, injured, or torn from their families as violence rages on.

This has to stop. Please sign the petition today asking the UN Security Council to help stop the killing. »

Even in the worst conflicts, we cannot let children be injured and killed. Even if children survive and their parents don’t, they are forced into unfamiliar and unstable situations, and they are no more safe than before they were in the middle of the violence.

Yesterday marked one year of unrest in Syria. We can’t let this madness go on for another year.

We can stop the killing in Syria, but only if the world stands up and takes notice. Ask the UN Security Council to demand full humanitarian access and pass a resolution for an end to the killing in Syria. »


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psicologa,psicoterapeuta vittimologa,membro dell'Accademia Teatina delle Scienze,della New York Academy ofSciences,dell'International Ass. of Juvenile and Family Court Magistrates,della Società Italiana di Vittimologia,della W.S.V.,dell'Ass.internazionale di Studi Medico Psico Religiosi.,docente di seminari di sessuologia, criminologia e vittimologia in università Italiane e straniere,esperta per progetti Daphne su tratta di minori e sfruttamento sessuale,creatrice del progetto Psicantropos,autrice di varie pubblicazioni,si occupa di minori e reati ad essi connessi da 40 anni.

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